Saturday, May 12, 2012

New House Adventure Week 11

This afternoon, Whit and I were going to do some Mothers' Day shopping.  Whit suggested we stop by the lot first, as she hasn't seen it yet.  So I agreed to take her - and much to my surprise - they had started framing!  We went to the lot last on Thursday, and nothing had happened yet, so we assumed the house was still as it was, last week when I had done an update.  But but but...they started!  I don't know the technical term for things, but they framed the ground...(the basement ceiling?) and they started framing the garage.  I know that's like a terrible description, but Brie no esta a constructiono crewo workero.  So deal.

Be still my heart.  Never has the sight of wood gotten me so hot and bothered!  (OH. MY. GOSH.  I didn't intend for that to be dirty.  It just came out.  I couldn't help it.  I formally apologize to all you minors reading this, and all you who can't handle anything remotely sexual.  *coughRachercough*)

Here's some pics we snapped:

They told us that once they start framing, we can more or less plan on moving into the house in 12 weeks.  So, it looks like the first week of August we are in.  Yahoo!


Arielle Lee Bair said...

That's awesome!

Fight 4 Ur Lyfe said...

Ur outfit is super cute. I love the blue!

Liz Hughes said...

Those 12 weeks are just going to fly by.

Anonymous said...

You have a whole basement! Exciting! :)

brie said...

pssst, L: i got the pants at macy's (they're calvin klein) and the shirt and buckle. :)

emo said...

Hooray for wood! Such a happy feeling. It is coming along. Hope you don't mind we are excited for you all and had a look at it. Looks great! :)Such a fun time.