My child needs a new haricut. It's uneven. And disgusting. And really sad. So a couple weeks ago, I wanted to trim the back, because it was starting to look borderline mulletish, so took a bit off, no prob I thought, but then shazam...NOW HE LOOKS LIKE
So this morning I left my mom's early to go see the T, while she was going to meet me with the man child after my sesh. When I saw him, my heart did sad, freaked out little flutters. My mom had no doubt thought that Ellen's look wasn't quite appropriate for a 2 1/2 year old, so she decided
instead to make him look like a 75 year old and give him a comb-over. Seriously, it was all goopy and depressing and I swear to you on my life the creepy comb-over made my 'lil guy look like a mini sociopath. So I laughed and said as much, and I made C cry, and I felt so bad I bought him a lollipop to clear the air.
As you can imagine, after this debacle I've decided that I've had enough of my child looking like Ellen or a sociopath. He's currently sitting next to me and fortunately only looks like an inbred freak. I can deal with this.
So kids, what are we doing tonight?

In happier news, I'd like you to meet Too Cool for School. She's essentially the new and improved Not Fanny Pack. She's glorious, she really is. She not only holds medical equipment but secrets and amazingness as well. Many of you may be concerned that I'm not treating
Not Fanny Pack with the respect she deserves after all she's done for me, and you may be right. But the relastionship is SO.OVER. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with her. Usually my discarded purses end up in a linen closet, and eventually they end up getting wizzed on by my cats - they luuuurve marking their territory on handbags and luggage! I dunno. Maybe I can find someone who will love her like Too Cool for School and I love each other. This love is deep and abiding and isn't something that is easy to come by. I may have to do some matchmaking for her.
Okay, kids. I'm off to save my child from Disgusting Hairstyle. Wish me luck!
Oh Brie, I am very afraid of your next blog. Because we will hear how Cade certainly became upset that some stranger was fiddling with his hair so please tell us how it went! I really wasn't going for that socio look on him but it just happened and I think he was proud of himself to have that great sticky stuff in his hair and then I HAD to do something with it! Nice part and a comb over was all I could come up with..... Love the Ellen photo, you know they do look alike??
omg Brie you're my favourite person ever. Good luck with the haircut... When I was little, my hair was so short people thought I was a boy. Which is not cool.
OMG he does look like Ellen!!!! That is a good thing though because Ellen rocks, right?! And I literally laughed when I read about the comb-over. I can't wait to see your new boob AND house!!
Woah...he really does look like scary! He's such a gorgeous kid, though! I love little boys with more long-ish kinda hair, but not too hippy or neglectful looking, but I'm sure his new hair cut will make him a hottie for all the little girls at the playground. Be careful! Oh, and I like your new bags! Where do you find stuff like that? I'm so lame.....I can barely afford to buy a purse, let alone super cool ones like yours. If you ever want to discard a purse or bag....send it my way (I'll pay shipping and handling)!! Well, as long as it doesn't have cat pee on it. : )
Have a great night and Happy New Years!!!
He really does look like Ellen. That is so funny. I tried growing Jaxon's hair out but it was so not cute like Cade's is. Post a pic of the new hair cut!
well, I can see why you would feel the way you do about TCFS. I mean come on. as for the hair I am not going to comment, clearly you understand the gravity of the situation and are Taking Steps. I'm proud of you babe. xoxoxoxo
Much better! He is now officially a man!!
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