Saturday, January 26, 2008

What Not To Wear

I like high-waisted jeans. I've even blogged about it before. But I do not like...well...these. I mean, these take the term high-waisted to a whole other level. A level that is scary and dark and void of humor and love. ...Like, what are they? Boob-waisted? Skyscraper Jeans? I tried these on today at the mall with my wickedly awesome niece, Marissa, purely for informational purposes only. So, without further ado, please allow me to serve as a warning to others:

So, thanks so to me, you'll never actually consider these fugly fashion mishaps.
You're welcome.


Tanya said...

LOL...thank you for that and I do have to agree...those are way too much...:P

alana.rachelle said...

i don't know...with the right top, a fantastic pair of heels, and the perfect handbag, you might just be able to pull it off... but maybe not... ;)

Heather Lindquist said...

I can't believe things like that are even being sold here in 2008. How scary.

KC said...

hahaha you (and those) are hilarious. But if anyone could pull them off, it'd be you!

Paige said...

lol, those are cuuuuuute.

Shannon said...

nice. thanks for the warning; unnecessary but hilarious. :)

Stacy said...

nope... they're HOT... I think just by posting you in pics of them you have started the newest fashion trend... WAY TO GO.

(I am not even 5'2" so they really would go up to my boobs! they can be added to the list, pantyhose, G's... you name it.)