And I laughed. (For what feels like the first time in a very long time.) And instead of cleaning it up, I decided to root around the mess till I found my camera and snap a picture. A mess of these cataclysmic proportions ought to be documented, no? Because then it hit me, and I realized that my chaotic living room is metaphorical for how my life feels right now. If you could peel away my insides, and peer directly within, that’s what I’d look like, I swear. All muddled and unorganized and jumbled. I guess it should make sense that my physical environment matches my innards.
So I guess I should plan on cleaning everything up, or at least manage things a bit more efficiently. I hate when I feel so out of sorts.
I feel it worth noting for the readers out there, that you may think all of the little toys are out because Caden was playing with them, no no, it was Brie, she played with every single one, for hours really. And the whole time she played she only muttered things like " baba, googa, and wasthis."
Okay, really, Caden went nuts down there and made that mess in about 30 minutes of unsupervised playtime, thanks to me. Now you all are in the know.
I'm glad you laughed instead of freaking out. My life is very similar to that mess of toys right now too...
Love your blog:)
I like how the cat's sitting there as if observing the mess too. ;) I've lived in more messiness and it drives me crazy. And my clutter brain!
Anyway, I hear ya. I feel the same way.
Oh man, more reasons to look forward to having a child. And a husband. Ha ha.
Also, bring your ironing over anytime!
Hey, what a cool insight. However, untrue!! If I had the insides of my house for all the years you were all home I would be a piece of work of catastrophic porportions. And I don't want to admit to that. So maybe it is half true probably.It is hard to wax completely sane at 7:30 in the morning but keep trying because I love your BLOG! from your half-crazy Mom
love the mess. it makes you real. Don't ya just love what a kid can do in no time at all. I hope your mess on the inside gets cleaned up. we know the one in your living room will... just in time for a certain toddler to reek havoc again :)
I always say that a messy house means you are spending more time doing enjoyable things that enrich your life (cause my house is always a little messy)
does Cade know how to "pick up" yet?
i think it's a sign of successful parenting! haha it means you haven't stifled his imagination by setting ridiculous cleaning rules for a 1 year old and are being chill enough to let him play to his little heart's content! :) playing is the most important thing in his life and he is obviously enjoying it, so good job! :)
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