So, I was bored yesterday, and decided to give it a shot. It made me look ten years younger, which isn't really a good idea when you're only 23. What say ye? Should I leave this style in the '60's where it belongs, or should I bring sexy back with it?

I thought I'd post a picture of my twin hermano y yo. I made him pose for the shot yesterday at work, and it's not a very good one of us, because he was embarrassed and just wanted to get it over with before anyone saw us. Understandable, I guess. He's such a guy. And yes I mean that in an insulting way.
Man, I dunno folks. Not sure I can do the flip up thing anymore. It's weird. Like watching a dog walk on its hind-legs. And every time I see something like that, it gives me the willies, just like looking at this photo. Sad.
honestly, Brie, I think you can bring sexy back with anything, including this hairstyle
i think it looks pretty cute. Definitely makes you look younger, but not 13 or anything. I just tried flipping my hair out again the other day too. It was a mild success and the straightener helped. :)
I like it! I don't know what you normally look like but I think it adds a hint of sass, which is always a good thing to me!
I like the flip thing but it too makes me look way young (I swear people thought I was a teen mom when my hair was way long) so I update the flip and do it a little less curled... still way fun but less not like a grade school girl or 60's diva...
Since You have amazing style I think you should go all vintage with the flip and get the domestic housewife dress too :o)
I think it looks cute. It does indeed look good on you. Now, me... I don't think I could pull it off. But you sure can. :)
on another not... it is very different not knowing what you are going to post about now that you are done with a daily regamine of the inpatient saga.
Very exciting stuff tho.. your blog is so fun to read.
Thanks Stace! Yeah, it's been a bit weird to be like, "Hmmm...what on earth am I to write about today?" But don't worry -- another CFC installment will be coming soon, undoubtedly. :)
let's be honest, i'm a fan of the no flip look. it just reminds me of a certain religion's ultimate housewife, ya know? you know you're a doll no matter what you do or wear, but i'm going to be a little heidi and say " you're either in or you're out!" my vote of the moment is kinda out, but maybe its a lack style and taste on my part?...
Well it does add a little bit of "sweet and innocent" to your look so you look maybe a little younger. 16 would be the lowest I'd guess.
I'm 31 but look much younger. :) It's a good thing!
i'd sexually favor you any day:D i love you gollum. ps i didn't know you had a twin bro. dont worry, your sexier,
YEAA! Its Brett!! Cute brover! Its been so long since I've seen you two!
ps. The do is fabulous...as always!
i almost always love the flip. granted, not everyone can pull it off, but YOU, brie, most assuredly can. fo sho.
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