Friday, November 11, 2011

Reasons to Recover Craft

So last week, the T asked me to write a list of reasons to recover, despite the fact I hate my body where it is and wish it could be smaller.  So I wrote the list, and read it to her in our next session.  She remarked that the list was all well and good, but how was it going to be helpful to me?  If I just folded it up and shoved it into the cavernous depths of my diaper bag, and promptly forgot about it, then why was writing the list even beneficial in the first place?  Hmmm.  Good point.

So I decided to make this craft.  I got a canvas and painted on it, then wrote my reasons to recover on the canvas, then mod podged over the whole thing.  And really, it doesn't look very good, and it's only going in my bathroom so that most people don't see it, but at least I did something with it, right?  At least I'll look at it every day and remember why it is so vital that I get over this and move on and finally live. 

I kind of felt like I was inpatient again, (holy blast from the Sick Person blast!) in art therapy, doing some sort of artistic project that was supposed to, like, make me recover, and it kind of gave me the eebie jeebies!  -- It felt pretty foreign, and I actually didn't really enjoy Art Tx much in treatment, so I'm surprised I went for this, but I like the outcome, and I'm glad I did.  Crafty Brie is certainly emerging more and more!  At least I'm putting some of this creative energy to good use, right?


Angela and Brett said...

Angela said...

Although your reasons for wanting to recover are very important ones, I notice that you never say that you want recovery for yourself, because you believe that you deserve it. Recovery will be hard to make happen if you only want to be better for others. I think this craft is a great idea, because you are right...the list would be easy to forget about. Putting it in the bathroom where you can see it is awesome. I hope you can believe that you are worth recovering for:)

Unknown said...

Hi!! Looks great!! I got more into art after inpatent tx and now I have a small business where I do artowrk and it's going pretty well! Of course paihnting Doira over and over isn't as therapeutic as art therapy but I can support my hobby at least. You can see my page on Fb if you want it's Good luck!!

Shannon said...

Woohoo for art tx! :) Seriously though I really like your list and the fact that you are putting it somewhere you can see it regularly. That always helps me when I'm working on a goal. Also, Mila is adorable and I love the headband you made her. Aren't baby girls so much fun?!?

firefly said...

Nice job! Guess you'll always be reminded but wait til the kids start reading then it will have to come out of the bathroom? I'm with you on the Art therapy. I never went inresi/ ip and the joke was on me because I have hated art since 2nd grade and my individual therapist just happened to be the art therapist. That fit didn't last long. Ugh flashbacks of resi "Adult art in the art room."Hugs!!!