Monday, November 7, 2011

Mint Chocolate Deliciousness

I found this recipe for mint chocolate chip cookies on Pinterest and about died - sweet gravy train, I knew I had to make them!  I think the last time I made cookies was when I was 7, and helping my mom - no kidding, I am not a baker.  But these made me come out of my non-baking hibernation, and they were sooooo worth it!  You seriously need to make these bad boys.
 I had enough extra that we're going to take plates of cookies to some new families that have moved in near us, just to welcome them to the neighborhood.  So making cookies and doing an act of service in ONE DAY?  I'm on a roll!

(Okay, so they're not the most aesthetically pleasing thing in the world.  But they still taste yummers!)


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I want those. I love all things mint-chocolate!

Traci said...

I was going to say they look nasty. A green cookie? But I do love me some mint chocolate chip so I will have to try these out.

Shanllleigh said...

yum. I want one.

brie said...

kind of funny, but the green actually appeals to me!

allegri said...

Oh, yum! I saw these, but haven't had a chance to make them! mmmm.