Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Miso Happy

My dearest BFF lesbian leg lover Whit is paroled today from treatment! We are going to spend the day doing really fun things together like taking C to the urologist, grocery shopping, and going to the dietician. (No really true story.)

But much catching up and hugging and gossiping (but the friendly kind) will be involved. Hurray for friends busted out from ED prison!


Stacy said...

you are such a good friend. I am glad you are so happy.

Send Whit much love and recovery ju ju from blog land!!!

tawny said...

I miss Whit around the sista love..

tell her hi!! She was always SO
S W E E T to Mace....

Have fun on your girly day..the best.

K said...

Say hi to Whit for me!

Maeve said...

Yay! You have really really really been deserving some happiness in your life right now, so I am so so glad to hear you get this!!

Best friends are fantastic thing :-) You two are so lucky to have each other :-) :-) :-)

Cammy said...

Congratulations Whit! I hope y'all have a great time together, good friends are priceless.

allegri said...

Yay! Prison break! Hope Cade-mans appt goes well!

Krista said...

YAY for WHIT! I love ya girl. I'm glad you made it out just in time for the new module of DBT!!! ;-)