Friday, December 28, 2007

Janice Dickinson, Do You Have A Brain?

Thanks to Digest for posting this appalling quote on her blog from the crazy Janice Dickinson, (the self-proclaimed World's First Supermodel) who now has her own reality show on Oxygen, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, where she owns her own agency and manages a handful of L.A. based models:

“I’m dying to find kids who are too thin. I’ve got 42 models in my agency and I’m trying to get them to lose weight. In fact, I wish they’d come down with some anorexia. I’m not kidding. I’m running into a bunch of fat-assed, lazy little bitches who don’t know how to do the stairs or get their butts into the gym.”

As a former model, I am left speechless. Words cannot describe the anger I feel at her attitude and careless, somewhat ambivalent feelings toward eating disorders and anorexia in general. I have quit modeling, all for these brutal facts: the modeling world is tough. It is disgusting. Even if it didn't compromise my body physically, and aid in propelling my anorexia into a serious addiction, (which it did) it will slowly turn you into a plastic, shallow shell of your former self, until your main priorities in life are reduced to weight, appearance, and money. It was time for me to take a moral stand against all of this. And thanks to quotes like this, (and to Janna) I don't regret my decision at all.

You can read the whole article here, at The F-Word's Blog.
Oh, and hey, Janice? Take it easy on the teeth whitening. Your gums are starting to look white, and that's not good. Really. Not good. Eh. Celibritard.


Laur said...

Brie, I totally agree. She is a horrible person. I have watched all of america's next top model and am always disgusted by her. It must hurt so much to hear someone speaking so nonchalantly about a subject so deeply sensitive to you. Something that has affected every facet of your life. She is a whore for sure.

Kate said...

Holy mkfmfk!! That quote is disgusting! Thank you for making us aware of this monster, Janice! You are amazing, my dearest!

alana.rachelle said...

sick dude. i can't stand her. i hear quotes from self proclaimed hot shots of the media and wish that i could somehow throw them into our world for a day. to seriously force every self depricating, vengeful, and worthless feeling of self hatred into them and see how they would fare with it. maybe, just maybe, if they truly had a taste of living with it they would stop the bullshit of glorifying eating disorders. i know we say that we would never wish this on anyone, but in the case of people like janice, i would happily make an exception! celibritard indeed.

Tanya said...

Jana....I have no words....shes a witch who doesn't know how to think about the damage her words can do to the world. I really do not like that woman and have not for years.