Friday, September 5, 2008

Good Mood, Good Grief

Why, pray tell, am I happy? It’s so odd. I’ve been so used to either being a) sad, b) stressed, c) hopelessly sad, d) anxious, e) not anxious, but only because I’m high on benzos, f) in denial, (but I’m not) g) over-worked and feeling under-appreciated and under-paid, h) consumed and wearied with family drama, or i) all of the above at freaking ONCE.

But now, I’m simply, j) happy.

I’m not even sure what to do with myself. Good grief. This is weird. Am I suddenly on a different planet that is not the horribly awful earth that’s going straight to hell with all the global warming and raping and pillaging and war and mediocrity and grimy taxi drivers and bad movies and D-list celebrities? I mean, c’mon. We produced Perez Hilton.

I mean, the fates and the stars and the planetary orbits and astronomical bearings or whatever must be aligning just for me.

Cade woke up this morning, and didn’t yell “NO NO MAMA!” and roll back over and try to go back to sleep.
He smiled at me, and laughed.
We listened to the “woof woof!” song and then went through all the animals and their sounds. He likes the duck best (like his mama.)

My sister told me not once, but TWICE that I looked cute. I’m wearing a shirt today I rarely wear because I feel like it makes me look giantly boobalicious, and while this is normally a general rule that me likey the breastees, when a shirt makes you look fat and booby, it be no good. But my sissy denies this is the case. Also, I’ve recently learned that there is an unfortunate phenomenon known as the uni-boob. I worry about this.

I got some good news at work.

I discovered goodreads, which is, like, my mother ship. Why have I not signed up for the gloriousness that is this website earlier?

Today’s Friday, and I survived my hellish week of working full-time. Holy moly oh my guacamole how do you full-timers do it? This has been impossible. Yes, IMPOSSIBLYBRUTALDEPLORABLESUCKTASTIC.

So, cheers. Here’s to hoping and wondering if I’ll wake up from this dream and plummet back to the reality of kindasortanotreallybeingindenialtryingtorecoverfromaneatingdisorderandjugglingworkingandbeingamamaandagoodwifeandagooddaugherandsisterandloverandauntanddealingwithahubbywhowon’tpregomyeggoandeverythinginbetween.
Congratulations if you got through that.

Good grief, yo. Got happy? I think so.


Carlie Michelle said...

(blog timing) You're eyebrows also look fantastic so that ought to make you even happier!! Go you!

Laura said...

Enjoy it! Me not so happy...but I will about 9 hours....

Anonymous said...

Wooo, show me your tits! Spring break!

(OK, I know that was completely inappropriate and all but I had to say it! I'm that kind of classy lassy.)

Glad to hear that you're happy today. Take advantage of it!

Cammy said...

I belong to, which is pretty much the same as GoodReads, and it is ADDICTIVE! Also a handy way to send out gift ideas, just e-mail Santa Parent a link to my "shelf" to see what I already have and want to have.

I'm glad that you're having a good day!

kristin said...

Happy is awesome. I'm glad that you are feeling happy, Brie. You deserve it! :)

Take care!

love, kristin

brie said...

Punky, what's going on in 9 hours? Time to get drunk with some vino?

brie said...

JB, it's okay you left me a dirty comment - after all, I deserve payback for my last one on your blog, lol. ;)

Penny said...

"Holy Moley Oh My Guacomole" I love it. I will say it over and over because I know the chant will get stuck in my head. Thanks!!Btw, you cannot look uniboob if you tried. Yours' Body parts are perfectly porportioned on your lithe body and I too adore how you look in the shirt. Keep the happiness as WORK is a long way off. Vacay time is coming.....

Brett said...

I think you're happy because you no longer feel pressure from the nickel guessing game. You know that you are nowhere near the correct number, so you're not anxious (or worried) about being the potential winner!


Anonymous said...

1- Thank you for goodreads!
2- I don't think you could ever have the uni-boob. You need saggage for that.
3- I am about to sound like Flanders but... hearing about your happiness made me happy too.:)

Devon said...

Your texts today did suggest this impressively good mood. I'm ever so glad they didn't lead me astray.

I have mucho to tell you...and I'm sure you have much to tell me as well. Let's playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Laura said...

LOL! Didn't read K's blog, and had no idea how you knew to call me Punky!!!! You ARE a sister, now!

And..........I am off with some girlfriends to Palm Springs!! Leaving tonight...back on Sunday!!!!!! Wish you and K could join me!

Emily said...

Hey Brie! I'm so glad you're happy. Today has been a hugely happy day for me too. Acupuncture, which left me incredibly calm and centered, and then I spent time with Tony, which left me fulfilled and full of warmth, and then I finally did my gym clothes laundry that oh so needed to be done. Hurray!

Flighty said...

I FINALLY fill an A Cup, so yay for boobtastic boobies! Cute shirt, and I read the whole post, so congrats to me! lol. Seriously, you're pretty awesomelicious. May happiness reign! :)

Jackie said...

This makes me happy to read :)

Heather Lindquist said...

Happy? Hang on to it girly! I believe it can last if you allow yourself to laugh at least half a dozen times a day. It surely is medicine for the "happy" side of the soul! My kids at school give me mucho amounts of laughter, so I should be way up on cloud 1,298, but I think I'm currently only on cloud 100 due to my unfortunate "lateness" at a party I just got home from. Dang it! No sense of direction whatsoever.

Laur said...

I told you to get on goodreads like what five months should really learn to listen to me :)

Anonymous said...

Don't overanalyze the happy or might be gone before you know it. Just enjoy. Sometimes I wake up euphoric and start wondering why. But really, who cares what the reason is?

Elizabeth said...

I'm jealous that you're reading Bird by Bird for the first time -- it's so wonderful and so is Ann LaMott. Great, funny post and I'm happy you're happy.

Abby said...

Yay for happy!

And I loves you.

And uniboobs? I'm worried now! I've heard people talk about such a thing, but I haven't thought about it since the era when I didn't really have reason to be concerned about the matter. But now I'm looking at myself in that area... hm... I've been having major bra-shopping issues for quite a a while, and now I have to worry about having a uniboob, too? I mean, of course I love my breasts, but this whole problem of keeping them properly contained and now properly separated as well... maybe I'll have to step up my level of feminism a little? I'm not in Utah anymore, you know....

Abby said...

Um, only one "a" in "quite a while." And probably some other errors that I didn't notice. Augh! If I'm going to be uptight, I should learn to proofread....

brie said...

Ah, Abbs, the UNIBOOB. Apparently certain shirts can make you look uniboobish, though I have yet to know for sure who these culprits are. My mom, though, after reading this post told me that uniboobs are reserved only for giant giant boobs or really saggy ones or whatever. Phew! So I'm trying not to worry... ;)

Glad you came around again. I've missed you. :)

zubeldia said...

or when you wear an unflattering 'squash 'em, flatten 'em' sports bra :)

Alas, I am often wearing a sports bra, so I imagine that I have the uniboob.

Just lovely.

Simper Family said...

Brie, I just wanted to tell you, it was so nice to see you Fri. night. I wish our group wouldn't have been separated on bowling. I would really like to get to know both you and your cute family better. I feel that you and Brandon are the only one's I really don't know to well. Well until then, I'll be checkin out the blog in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAY Brie I'm so glad your happy. And do you really need a reason? I think not!

But doodetta, you need to learn to use 'n' happily abuse the spacebar. C'mon Brie you know you like it. *pervy wink*

... don't ask. the random happiness is contagious, and for that I am ever grateful :)

Emily said...

Hey Brie... I noticed you deleted your last post (I won't say what it was about for the sake of your privacy). What's going on? Are you okay?