Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Disappointed Dreamer Has a Weird Convo and Goes to Therapy

A conversation Husband and I shared last night (I have no idea where it came from or who spurred it):

Don't worry, Breezy, a lion would never eat Hairy (the fluffy monstrosity).

Yes it would! Why wouldn't it eat a cat – albeit a beautiful and perfect one?

Well, would I eat a midget?


It's the same thing!

I love my hubby. Where does he think up shiz like this?

And moving on...

My Archuleta Baby lost. I couldn't believe it. I was stunned, heartbroken. I murmured to myself (and in some weird way, I'm sure he heard) that I would more than make it up to him with a makeout sesh.
Really, I'd like to help in any way I can.
My sister called me crying. CRYING. And, she's like, seven years older than me. Laurie and I had a Pizza/American Idol/Baby Men Children party last night, and we were both utterly speechless. I'm trying to repress this memory. It just hurts too much.

I had a dream last night. Oh -- don't worry. If you're concerned I'm going to launch into a seven paragraph diatribe outlining every boring detail of my dream, do not fear; I'd never do that to you, dear readers! I've always found it fascinating (and unfortunate) that people can regale you with tales of their dreams that are utterly worthless and boring unless you were the dreamer itself. I've had to endure through many yawn sessions while I pretended to ooh and aah over a friend or family member re-living dreams like a shark swimming through pavement trying to attack innocent passerby, clown midgets riding unicycles, (which really though, is pretty damn cool) and a deer wearing an orange construction helmet directing traffic. These would be fascinating if I were tripping on coke and/or acid at the time, but if not...LAAAAAME.
Wow. That was a big digression there (and arguably more boring than if I had told you a dream in detail, anyway).

So my point: I'm only going to say about my dream last night that it was very High School Musical-esque, and my twin brother and I were the stars. Only I couldn't sing, and everyone was making fun of me. Brett was also wearing a giant jacket that said Don Juan Boozer on the back, and I couldn't figure out why. And then I decked my English teacher. Or something. And during my dream, I said to myself, Wow. I really need to blog about this day, it's incredible! No one will be able to believe it! You know you're much too addicted to blogging when you even dream that you need to write in your crazy blog about shiz most others don't care about. (Although, to be fair, if I really did deck my English teacher - or anyone, for that matter -- it would be utterly blog-worthy, and I'd do it in a flat heartbeat.)

I have therapy this afternoon. I have a good feeling, folks, that I’m going to have a breakthrough. I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be cured just as soon as our one hour sesh is over. CURED. Stamp it in my file. Whammo. YESSSSS.


Emily said...

I hope your therapy session goes well.

Brett said...

Cool dream Hansel!! I never pictured myself (as with everyone else that knows me) that I'd be a music star, let alone a star from HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!! That is my favorite movie in the whole world. Thanks for thinking about me, unconsciously, I guess?

Who is Don Juan Boozer??

brie said...

You were actually a pretty good singer, were kind of a dick, too. Like, you were such a drama king and thought you were too good for everybody.

And about Don Juan Boozer? I don't know. Maybe I was trying to think of Carlos Boozer? But it was waaaay too big for you, the sleeves went way past your fingers, and you looked really ridiculous.

You're welcome for thinking about you! At least it wasn't a sex dream...? I took it too far, didn't I?

KC said...

yes, I think it's safe to say you're addicted to blogging. let us know how therapy goes.

Brett said...

Me, a drama king? I like it!

And yes, weirdo, you did take it too far!!!

Gross, I'm going to school.

alana.rachelle said...

good luck with the michelle-miester! :)

emo said...

Yeah where does Brandon come up with stuff like that?! He is good at that huh.I am one that tells the boring, long and lame dreams. I do have some crazy ones though.

brie said...

Well, can't get cured today, M called and cancelled out appt. I don't mind, though, I actually wanted to cancel myself since I got four hours of sleep and wanted to go home and nap before we went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie. I see her twice/week anyway, so I've already seen her this week, you know? I'll totally survive, and actually, getting much needed sleep is probably more therapeutic! ;) Just wanted to let you know in case you all expected an entire blog dedicated to my sudden cure from an Ed. ;)

kristin said...

I'm addicted to blogging, too, except I'm more of a diary-writer than a blogger. I have a diary elsewhere and my blog here is just when I get hyper and have an influx of random, happy thoughts. But anyways--maybe we should start a blogging-addict support group and have everyone blog about their blogging addictions! ;)

Abby said...

Brie, you've inspired me to blog about every boring detail of the dream I had last night, so you may want to stay away from my next blog post unless you happen to have access to some hard drugs... no, I will try to sum the dream up in a couple of sentences... we'll see.

Also, Brandon's smart. That's a good analogy. Plus, I don't think your cats are in danger anyway. Just keep them away from the zoo or Africa or wherever lions live. Or else, carry a ballpoint pen.

Laur said...

Thanks for chillin with me! Can you believe Corey and Chris went to that movie last night? Now you understand how badly I need you to invite me on a girls night.

Anonymous said...

That's OK, you can be cured next week. :)

zubeldia said...

oh, the week of cancellations! Maybe we can both be cured next week :-) I can feel it...

I've been thinking about your thoughts on CC and her reassurance. I'll have to write more about it, but don't want to bore readers - yours or mine - with lengthy analysis. It definitely has to do with my old T-breakup, which was really freaking awful. You would have to go through early entries to get the full deal, but suffice to say my old T (aka BD) pulled a real number on me (complete bastard, in other words) and CC is very aware of what a shit he was and she doesn't want me to get hurt in any way.


Would love to know more about your own thoughts re: your T and reassurance (or lack thereof).

Love love love Z

Devon said...

How did your 'curing' go my dear? Anyhoo - in terms of play's what I'm thinking...

Anytime on monday.
Anytime on wednesday.

Do let me know won't you? Also, I could do the afternoon of saturday the 31st. I miss youuuuuuuuuu!

brie said...

Z, I have so much to say this. So much, in fact, that I'm going to send you a personal email.

Dev Love, yessss, please let's play! Perhaps we could do something on Wed. Let's call or text.

Devon said...

I'm all yours for shizzle. It's solid ;)

Let me know what works for you, mmk?