Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hairy Changes

I got a haircut yesterday – it was my last ditch effort to do something different without cutting off any length before I gave up and chopped it all off (I tried to get layers about 6 weeks ago, only the finished product seemed to sport NO LAYERS). However, I’ve heard horror stories of pregnant women cutting their hair due to hormonally driven desires, only to regret it after and like sob and sob. Well, I need no more reasons to sob, and I certainly didn’t want to do anything I’d regret, so instead I decided to keep my length, minus an inch or so for a trim – and then get layers - EMPHASIZE ON THE LAYERS. This isn’t the best shot, but you can kind of see the layers here.  At least, this time, for the most part, I got what I paid for:

I also did something on a whim and got a feather hair extension. Apparently they’re all the rage right now, and I first saw it when my sister got one a couple months ago. I ended up choosing a red one, and while this picture doesn’t do it justice, you can kind of at least see it:

Here’s a picture I grabbed from the web on what some feather extensions can look like. Mine isn’t nearly this dramatic, and I have so much hair that often you can’t even see it anyway. I’ll try later to have Brandon take a decent pic of it maybe.

Anyway. You can all start making fun of me now. Sniff.


Anonymous said...

I am loving the new 'do! I have a friend who does the feathers and it looks pretty awesome.

brie said...

bananas, thanks for not making fun of me! ;)

battleinmind said...

Looking very lovely! LOVING the hair :)

Telstaar said...

I really like those feather things, they're cool! I have clip in extensions that are blue and pink and I love them but i really like the texture of the feature ones, super cool :).

Maybe i can get my hairdresser friend to put a few coloured ones in for me :D

Oooh ideas ideas!

Haylee said...

seriously addicting. I'm in the 2009 archives right now and will probably read all the way to the beginning. ha, I seriously can read and read and read (and laugh and laugh and laugh some more.) Anyways, I just thought I'd stop in and tell you how much your writing has been enjoyed. Also I'm starting to feel like a bit of a stalker with you not knowing me and all, and me learning so much about you. ha! So I wanted to say hello, I'm Haylee and I love your blog. :)

Haylee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haylee said...

K what the heck, the first part of my comment got cut off. Err that's really annoying. Well now I can't remember what I had said but it was probably something along the lines of : "I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and your writing is seriously addicting."
sorry about that!

Penny said...

I learned In Gridley where there are serious farmers that the feather extensions are REAL feathers from chickens! Who would have thought that. Anyway I can't wait to see yours' I wish that I was not so old! Can you imagine an old woman with one? Kind of horrifying....

t. said...

your hair is so. shiny! love it!