Sunday, June 16, 2013

Looking Up

Thanks to the few who responded on my last post.  I appreciated it all very much.

Things have gotten a little better since my meltdown.  Brandon has been awesome about this and has been helping me brainstorm ways in which I can still write, still pursue my dreams, even while being a 24/7 stay at home mama.

Here is what we have come up with:

Bran was sweet enough to buy me a laptop - we ordered it today, will come in the mail on Tuesday.  I am THRILLED about this, not just because I've wanted my own laptop for awhile now, but so that I don't have to sit at our desktop with my back to Mila while I try to write.  Now I can cart my laptop with me everywhere I go to write - whether that be at a coffee shop, to a park, or more likely - right on my sofa, sitting with my kids.  I'm SO excited that I can have an easy way to write more readily available to me.  Brandon has a laptop, and we have iPads and a desktop, but I don't have my own laptop, and now that I do, I know it will make things more simple.  He also said that any time he is at home and not working, if I want some alone time to write, he'll scoop the kids up, no question, and get them out of my hair.

So, I'm ready to buckle down and really start getting out all the ideas for my book that are jangling around in my brain.  I'm excited to share with you guys, too, as I move forward.

Also - another tidbit of exciting news - we are getting our grass SOON!  We are putting sod down in our front yard, and hydro-seeding the backyard, but within a month or so it should all be in, and I am so so so SO happy, mostly because it will take a lot of stress off of Brandon and I.  Not to mention that the idea of my kids running around outside in grass, rather than in dust and tracking it into my house and all over my floors makes me positively SWOON.  :0  So, see?  Things are already looking up.

Also, this is a complete aside - I am thinking of restricting access from my blog to some people who requested access, but never comment, and I am not sure even read anymore.  So, if you do read, and I don't know you, please comment and let me know if you'd still like to read.  I've got 100 people reading my blog, but only like 3 commenters, so I don't really know if there is anybody reading, and if they aren't, I don't want people to have stagnant access to my blog.  So...if you want to read, and I don't know you and you never comment, please let me know so that I don't deny you access.  :)


simonattic said...

I read! I just hardly ever comment cuz my toddler goes crazy when I spend more than 2 minutes focusing on anything other than HIM, lol. :)

I love hearing your updates!

Anonymous said...


I have the same problem - a 2 year old who does not like my attention not on him (not sure how he's going to cope when his baby brother or sister arrives in a couple of weeks...). I would love to keep reading if that's OK though?

I am so glad things are looking up on the writing front. It is sooooo hard to find time to yourself when you are a full time mum. Hopefully the laptop and some more kid free time will help (that Brandon is a keeper!). Also, thanks for being so honest in the venting post below. It makes me feel less bad for just wanting some time to MYSELF sometimes :)

Liz Hughes said...

I'm glad things are looking up. What a great husband you have. Good luck with your writing I hope you can make some progress with your book.

beam said...

I really enjoy your writing although I don't comment that often (I have a 9 week old puppy that demands my attention : - ). You do inspire me and I absolutely love your sense of humor! I can't wait to hear more about your writing project and am glad you feel like you will be able to pursue it.

Tylaine said...

Hey Brie, I love reading your blog and am super looking forward to reading more of your writing which I know will be totally awesome!
I can totally relate to your previous post....I admit I am a major meltdown queen lately and grouchy and irritable, blah blah. I think it's just a natural thing to feel sometimes as a mom. It is super overwhelming and I was just thinking when my sister was here for a short visit (who has only one munchkin) how gloriously easy it would be with only one! Not that I'd ever change things but moms certainly need mom time too.
You're doing an awesome job with everything you have to deal with and very blessed to have such a supportive husband! Keep smiling, keep shining and keep writing :)

Just That ZombieGrrl said...

I absolutely still read -- and am still inspired by your dedication to everything. My husband and I are planning to try for a little one of our own a couple of years, and I love the way you juggle being both a mum and an individual (even if you don't always feel wonderful about that fix, as in the last couple of entries). Also, your recovery is amazing!

Darleigh said...

Its Dars! I read your blog! I never comment because, well I guess I never have so I feel all weirdsies putting my 2cents in. But I love reading and keeping up!

Jenn said...

i am not the best at commenting on peoples blogs because i am so busy but i read your blog and find inspiration and humor through it. you are a strong woman ; )

bri said...

I love u brie! So happy u are writing again. Xoxo

Kristin said...

Hi Brie, I read your blog but have only commented a few times, I just had my third little one a year ago (a girl to finally put in cute little dresses, so much fun!). Life with three (6 yr old, 3 yr old, and 1 yr old) is an adventure, especially with three "high spirited" kids. I am working to stay in recovery from bulimia and doing pretty well. (partly because Im to busy with three little ones to engage in bad behaviors!) and especially since having a little girl, I do not want to pass negative self image issues or behaviors onto her. The cycle stops here. We chose to homeschool our kindergartner last year, which went wonderfully, but kept me busier than ever. I enjoy seeing your updates, and am curious about your book in the works. I can only imagine if it is anything like your blog it will be witty, honest, and engaging. Looking forward to it!

ElanaFaye said...

What Jenn said! I find much inspiration and humor through your writing, and I would love to continue reading!

Kate said...

Hi Brie! I have been reading your blog since I was ... 16 I think? I'm 20 now and I still check every day for new posts. I'm hooked! I don't always comment, mostly because sure how you would feel about someone you don't know commenting on your blog. But I suppose that's kind of what a blog is for, right? So maybe I will start commenting more. Mila looks SO CUTE in that little yellow dress by the way. Holy moly you have adorable kids.

Colleen said...

hey girl - I can't offer a lot of insight into the whole "being a mom takes up all my time and I need to go beyond that" issue, since obviously there are no kiddos in my house... but I can say that your ideas with Brandon seem good, and having your own laptop is so liberating!
We, too, are a technology-aholic household, with a desktop, 2 laptops, kindle fire, and 2 smart phones.... but somehow, having my own laptop is the best, because like you said - you can tote it anywhere and it so easily accessible.
It's nice to have such a blessing of a husband; I thank God every day for mine :)
PS - loving your updates! :)

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to hear that you found solutions to write more! I can't wait to know more about your book!

Sarah Hope said...

Dreams are so important. They are as necessary as breathing. I'm glad you've got the laptop!

Shawnee - Sassy in Sweatpants said...

I read all the time! I love sharing your struggles and triumphs with you. I think you're great :)

Cait_anderson said...

I read! Don't leave me hangin! Love you!

KC said...

I tend to get irrational anxiety paralysis when I think about commenting in any online forum these days, but I'll try to leave a note often enough so you know I care...

Anonymous said...

Hey Brie!

You do know me, but I'm lame about commenting. But I DO read. Every entry. Promise.

Glad you're finding ways to write. :)

Marissa said...

I'm sorry I don't respond more often - but I definitely do read every single entry, and I would be really sad if I were to be excluded! Your openness on your blog helps me be more honest with my own feelings.

The Kind Life said...

I'm still a Bri lovin, blogoxygen crazed, reading at 3 am lovin fool!:). - L

Penny said...

I am thrilled that you are choosing to write again. Can't wait for more!

jen said...

Life was hectic for a bit, so my keeping up with the blog dwindled. BUT I'm back and love reading your often very witty and insightful posts!!

jen said...

Life was hectic for a bit, so my keeping up with the blog dwindled. BUT I'm back and love reading your often very witty and insightful posts!!

jen said...

Life was hectic for a bit, so my keeping up with the blog dwindled. BUT I'm back and love reading your often very witty and insightful posts!!