Been a little grouchier today. I totally woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, and I can't figure out why. As far as I can remember, nothing especially terrible has happened that would make me hella sadsy. I guess today is just a day where I need to be a little glum. HOWEVER, just since I'm trying out this whole optimism thing, I've decided I'm going to write out a list of all the good things that have happened today, to refute the bad:
1. Dietary went well. And, let's be honest, if the past is any indication, usually it doesn't. I'm totally turning over a new compliance leaf though, so hopefully I'll have many more good sessions in the future where neither my dietican or I wail and lament and gnash our teeth and rent our clothes. We learned this from the Bible.
2. After dietary, I stopped in the waiting room to change Mila's diaper; girlfriend was eeking pee. Apparently I forgot to throw the diaper away, because on my way home, I got a call from my therapist. Her first words to me were, "THANKS FOR THE PRESENT YOU LEFT ME," and I immediately said "DAMMIT!" because I knew right away I must have forgotten to throw away Mila's diaper, it hit me just like that. We laughed about it, and then hung up. Why is this a good thing, you ask? Because when I looked down at my caller ID and saw my therapist was calling me, I started to freak out, you know, something like ohmygoshwhatdidIdonowIdidsomethingwrongbutIdon'tevenknowwhathelpmehelpmeshoooooot. Because it's not like my therapist calls me all the time, just to laugh. So naturally, I panicked. Never mind I couldn't think of anything I had actually done wrong. I may be trying to be optimistic, but panic is still quick to set in! ;)
3. My mom is picking up Cade from school and taking him to the aquarium with some of his cousins, so this leaves me lots of time to
A super flattering angle for her |
Sigh. I really need to clean, and I've been thinking about how I can make this an optimism thing, but cleaning just doesn't make me happy, guys. It just doesn't. Sure I love a clean room just as much as the next person, but I hate how hard it is to actually get there. But I will nonetheless push aside the keyboard and go do my domestic duties. Have a great day, ya'll!
Brie my day was the pits too but for realsies reading your blog made my night;) you are such a good writer and so funny! Love u!
Loved this post too. Also loved for your pseudo biblical references. it gives your blog gravitas( or weight). I think I made a pun. Anyway, I don't think people "rent" their clothes but "rend" . Oh well, what is rend? I am not sure but I love your writing and I always feel better after reading your thoughts.
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