Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Used this app to make these pictures.  It allows me to free-form paint over photos.  Pretty cool.

I'm not very good at it yet - there's a ton more to learn, but it's still fun and absolutely addicting and I'm making some pretty cool stuff.


Erin said...

I like the one of the mental kitten the best. ;)

Penny said...

i think that your pics looked like some modern painter did them. Maybe you have talent and its not just the app?????

Erin said...

I 100% agree with your mom!

Erin said...

I just got the app and spent (only) 5 minutes on it and it was HARD! So I commend you, seriously.

I am currently downloading a scrapbooking app.

brie said...

erin, watch the tutorial video on photo viva's website. it helps you manuever the app - i wouldn't have figured it out AT ALL if not for the vid.