Friday, September 2, 2011


I'm feeling really conflicted right now about my blog.  It's kind of unnerving me that so many people know so much about me.  Also, I am basically known for my ED, right?  Especially in the community I live in, everyone knows me because of my eating disorder, whether they were in treatment with me or they went to high school with me or they read my blog or just heard about that one crazy chick with anorexia.

I don't want to be known that way anymore, and while Blogxygen is no longer really an ED-focused blog, it certainly used to be, and I don't know if I'm okay with my life being so public anymore.

So I may go private.  I'm going to decide in the next 24 hours or so.


Justine Taylor said...

You could start a new blog that's just about you & your family & not mention your history of ED

KC said...

xoxo I've been trying to keep in touch outside of EDs...

Stacy said...

If you go private. i will be requesting and invite. I did recently. ALSO I want you to know I don't think of this as a blog about so girl who struggled with and ED. I do relate to some of your issues because of some of my own but I see you as a wife and mommy and a great woman with great faith that writes some funny stuff and some heart felt stuff that makes me want to read more.
You rock, do what you gotta do!

Erica Butterfield said...
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Erica Butterfield said...

I found your blog through Stacy who posted above. She and I have been friends for years and I would too be requesting an invite. I myself have struggled with food issues, but I don't look at your blog as something that is solely about that. I think that your blog is about surviving and thriving period. With kids, with husbands, with jobs. There have been days when I've thought sweet eff...seriously. And I've come to your blog and laughed...or cried and been inspired. So if you go private...just know this chick from San Diego will be sending a request to follow. Stacy will vouch for me...I'm cool :)

Amanda P said...

Consider starting a new blog. Celebrate the new you by changing your format, changing your URL and celebrating the beautiful life you are living. There's no need to hang onto things that force you to remember or dwell on the aspects of you life you are ready to let go. Your blog has helped you come through so much, but maybe letting it go can and starting anew can help you feel like you really are starting that next chapter. You are Brie. And that's enough.

seven23 said...

I'm woefully guilty of reading and not commenting. And I understand your uneasiness and desire to go private. I admit that I found your blog originally because of the e/d but that is so not why I follow you! You are so real, witty, heartwarming, inspiring, beautiful and funny! Yours is the first entry I look at in my RSS feed for updates. I'm ashamed for not commenting more. I just created this ID to comment (I've commented before under apparently something else).

You are honestly nothing short of amazing and hope-creating (new adjective ;) ) and I love reading your updates. You have to take care of you... I hope you can find a way to adjust your blog or create a fresh one that represents the new you. You are NOT the e/d and you have plenty of value, humor and insight to share with the blogosphere. ((((hugs)))

Tiptoe said...

I've felt similarly with you as I've moved more into recovery than when my blog started. Plus, I was thinking along the same lines as you as I may embark on something new and different in my life.

I like what Amanda P said to create a new blog. Lots of people do this, and you can always link to this for people to get a history of you IF you want to or NOT.

I do think the majority of people here who have chronicled your blog and life do not just you as a girl who had an ED. I think they see you as much more than that.

Liz said...

I think you should do whatever feels right for you. I don't think of you as the girl with an ED. I think of you as an inspiration, someone who is awesome, who loves her kids, who is rocking at life! If you go private, I will definitely request to read, because I look forward to every post you make. I don't really comment, but I'm always reading :)

You're awesome!

Candice said...

I started reading your blog after following a link from Shelly's blog. I love reading about your life. You are inspring and you have a great sense of humor! My life coach tells me, You are not your past, its part of you, but doesnt define you... I know ED doesnt define you, but is part of you. I hope you can find a way to continue writing! I enjoy reading!

Michelle said...

I too came to your blog from my friends link. Perhaps in your earlier posts, you talked about ED, but you haven't done that for quite some time. I think you are amazing and your sense of humor and writting keeps me coming back. I have learned a lot from you! Do what ever you feel is best for you and your family. Don't let your past define what and who you are today. The past will make you stronger, and you're better today because of it.
Huge Hug!!!

PS - You're daughter is SO CUTE!!!

Shanllleigh said...

I dont even remember how I found your blog. I read at first because I was trying to recover from ED too. But I just kept reading and thought you seemed cool and I liked you writing... If you decide to go private I would love to still read. I only read a few blogs and they are like my guilty pleasure when my kids get me up at the butt crack of dawn and I am trying to wake up with cup after cup of coffee.

Dena said...

I found your blog through a side bar on another blog and have been hooked ever since. I read your blog because of your honesty about day to day life and the struggles we all have to deal with, and the fact that you are a fantastic writer and hilarious :)