Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blogxygen Feels Bereft

I know that my blog is for me, and that I should write what I want to write – and I will, I get that.

But I’m just curious – what most do you readers want to know about me or read about? Do you come here for ED adventures and updates? Or to laugh? Or because I’m pregnant? Or something else?

Please, leave a comment and let me know what keeps you coming back, or what you want more of. I want to keep blogging, but lately I’ve really felt pretty stymied as to what to write about, so some help or guidance or suggestions would be appreciated. I’m scraping the bottom of the Blogxygen barrel, here.


Anonymous said...

ha... i just had a "de-lurking day", asking people what brought them to my blog. Funny that you have the same.
I like that you're real, witty, and tell it like it is. Just keep doing that, I guess. I mean, it's all about me and keeping me happy, right? :)

Sia Jane said...

I read because I can connect to you. I like that you are finding your way through recovery, and it always fascinates me to see another's journey and see them come out the other end.
And I think I genuinely care.
I know you don't know me but I have followed you for like 2 years and it is amazing how far you have come.
And I like you share that xxxx

Tylaine said...

I love your honesty Brie and how you don't sugar coat crap things you're going through and struggling with and how you keep life real. I am inspired by your wonderful attitude and I do also enjoy your preggo and other pics. because I like to live vicariously (fashion sense wise) through your wicked awesome fashion sense.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog because your honest. It doesn't matter what you're talking about... you say it like it is. I find that absolutely awesome!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog because your honest. It doesn't matter what you're talking about... you say it like it is. I find that absolutely awesome!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog because your honest. It doesn't matter what you're talking about... you say it like it is. I find that absolutely awesome!

Traci said...

I have no idea how I found your blog but I think you're funny so that keeps me reading and I am interested in your ED updates and the pregnancy as well. I pretty much like to read about about everything you right about...and my favorite right now are the belly pics. You gotta love the "bumpdates"

The Gentle Baker said...

I've been reading your blog since you first started it (wow can I get a lurkers appreciation trophy I just realized how long that has been). I come for your openness and hilarity and ability to, even in painful situations, recount the events in your life to your readers with a comedic tone. I've enjoyed seeing your progress with the eversosucky ED (yay go Brie, you've come SO far!), the sentimental tidbits you include about your own little family and the humor that always ensues with your siblings and huge extended family and anything else you throw into your posts.
But, yeah, if we're being honest here, mostly because I end up snort-giggling to all of your entries. Always makes me feel happier and lighter (btw brushing my dog and seeing the aftermath fur mountain makes me feel skinnier too, you're not alone)

Kristin said...

I rarely comment but check your blog every three days or so for new content. The only other blogs I read are dooce and my friends and the thing they all have in common is they all make me laugh with their realness even if that includes the not so shiny parts of life. I love your self depreciating humor I think it is a sign of some kind of mental stability if you can truly laugh at yourself I love the everyday posts about ordinary things.. I love the posts about your recovery being that i am in what I would consider a successful ED recovery for about 9 mo now. I love how you don't sugar coat recovery like it's a light switch that's now turned on and now life is just peachy perfect. I like that you are willing / comfortable with being so honest and writing in a way that seems truly transparent. Whatever your doing keep doing it!! said...

I come here to read for many reasons.....I love your writing's very witty. You also make me laugh, which of course is never a bad thing! And, I enjoy hearing about your life and about your lovely prego self! Now that I have a son, however, I'd enjoy hearing more about your life with Cade! My life with ED is now a distant memory, and I'm so relieved you're taking such amazing steps in recovery, but that's not why I love your blog.....I love it because you have an incredible ability to make the most mundane event be hilarious and I look forward to reading all your anecdotes!

-Heather Lindquist

Anonymous said...

I think you already know why I visit your blog, right?

Short answer:
1. Because I adore you and you are my good friend!
2. I love your writing!

I have never been bored by a single post. Even when you don't have much to say, you manage to pull off a wicked awesome post. You always get compliments for your writing and sometimes I get jealous!

hutchbec said...

I read your blog because you are honest, I can relate because I struggled w/anorexia from 14-24 (15 yrs since my last relapse...) and reading about your ups and downs w/recovery - especially once out of inpatient - is validating - I feel less alone in a way with what I experienced (I didn't have a team around me - which probably made it harder in some ways and in others, easier), you are hilarious, and frankly, as odd as this is to say as I've never met you, I care about you and I'm rooting for you -

Maybe the fact that you're having a hard time coming up with topics to write about is sort of a sign of moving forward in life - and growth - your life and your blog are expanding beyond survival and initial recovery - but what is going to fill that space is in that sort of in-between stage. I'm looking forward to reading about what comes along in your life to fill those spaces. Random musings. And to support/root for you in the times that recovery is hard.

Hannah said...

I just like to check up with you. I was in your April 2010 birth board, and I've been reading ever since :) I don't always read every post, but I like to know that you're doing well.

Dianne said...

I read your blog because I love words and I love you, not necessarily in that order. I feel quite delighted that you are writing about many experiences/thoughts beyond ED, because to me, with the gremlins that I face, it is a sign of moving on and finding the new and improved Brie. So just tell us whatever you want, whatever strikes you as hilarious, whatever strikes you as heartbreaking or whatever strikes you as blogtastic.

That is all. Amen.

Stevie Jackson said...

I read because I've "known" you since you were fourteen and I like to keep up with how you're doing, because you've always been a great writer, because you make me laugh, because I care about you, etc., etc. I guess maybe that doesn't give you much in the way of ideas... sorry. But I do love your blog!

GI Jenn said...

I keep coming back b/c i love your honesty and humor :) And I've struggled/am struggling with an ED and you are truly an inspiration to me. i know that there is so much more to life than calories. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Anonymous said...

I read because I'm also in recovery from an eating disorder, and I have a 3 month old daughter, so I"m going through/just gone through a lot of the same struggles with body image & food in recovery & pregnancy. It's nice to read about someone else going through the same thing :)

displayed said...

I think I may have commented once but I've been reading blogxygen for over a year now and love it. I like to pretend I can relate somewhat, there aren't too many 20 something parents with ed histories writing hilarious blogs and I occupy 2 of the 3 mentioned. I don't write myself because I'm not that comfortable with myself or my life yet. I like your sense of hope even in the worst of it all. I love hearing about Cade and your fam and your progress.

Angela said...

I read because I'm interested in your triumphs and struggles, and because I identify so much with many of the things that you write about. You have great humor even in the midst of serious and painful topics. When you write about what you are passionate about and know about, you can make anything interesting. Keep doing what you are doing!

Krista said...

I love your blog because it's freaking hilarious! You are an entertaining writer. Even on your more serious posts you still have a away of captivating your reader. For me personally I also like that your posts aren't always doom and gloom like some "ED" blogs are out there. Those are the ones I had to quit reading because they made me depressed. I like that you have a sense of hope in your entries. That being said, I still like reading your honesty about the struggles you have. Of course I love reading about your pregnancy because I am there too. I feel that we have been through very similar stages in life at the same time that I can relate to. Probably my favorite posts are the crazy funny ones, but I will read no matter what you write.

Amy said...

I don't think I've ever commented before, but I read your blog often and I absolutely love it! I think you are so precious and witty, and anything you write about is so entertaining! I can relate to so much of what you go through and I love the funny way that you convey those messages. I just think you're adorable, so keep up what you're doing!!


Dana said...

I love this blog and you because you are real here. It seems like in our family there is this fake like everything is perfect and put on a face. That has always been so very hard for me. You give me the courage to be real in life and in who I am. You are authentic and inspire me find that in me. I also love that here I can connect with you. I don't know if you know this but since you and I hung out the first family reunion together I have felt a love and connection to you even though we only saw each other once a year or even less now. Anyways I just wanted to thank you for who you are and what you have done to inspire me. PLUS YOU JUST CRACK ME UP! Thanks Brie!

Just That ZombieGrrl said...

I love this blog. I love that you tell it like it is, but with your own brand of humour and description. Your descriptions of pregnancy have made it go (in my mind) from a horror movie science experiment to something beautiful and amazing. I've always enjoyed your tales of ED inpatient (though I don't have ED, I've also struggled with addition, which, in my mind, is a cousin to ED), as well as your entries about your wonderful kitties -- but I'm not sure there are any entries I haven't enjoyed. Whether I'm crying along with you, laughing aloud, or just picturing whatever you've described, I just dig your writing. But, if you're thinking of other things about which to write, I'd love to see memoir-ish excerpts of your younger life, as well.

J and E said...

You're funny. :)

Also, I've been following for a long time now, starting when I was struggling with a few food issues of my own. Now I'm just curious to see how you're doing and ... well, I guess now I'm just interested in stalking your life...? This seems kind of weird now that I think about it...

But don't worry, I won't stop reading. :)

Border Collie Lipstick said...

Hello Again Brie,
This is my second comment ever on your blog. About once a week I like to park myself at my desk with a steaming cup of coffee and just unwind by reading several blogs I follow. I stumbled across your blog after finding the link on a friend of a friend's page. The name caught my eye and then after reading a little your expressiveness caught my attention. In some ways we couldn't be more different. I completely don't understand Ed. I have had a few friends who have, much like alcoholics, had a long struggle with it that they always have to fight. You gave me a window to see what it is like to be in their shoes and have a little more compassion for what I don't understand. On the other hand, we do have some things in common. I know what it is like to have tragedy strike your life and know just how hard it can be some days to find the hope it takes to move on through the daily grind of life. To know that there is something you feel like you can't control looming out there just waiting to crash down on you. I hope that you are able to get past that, to kick some ED butt and move on to enjoy life with your cute kids and husband. And in some weird way on your journey getting their, it will help inspire me to keep moving on.

Sarah at Journeying With Him said...

I read because I like YOU! You are hilarious and snarky; you are an excellent writer; you are an excellent mother and wife and fighter and friend and daughter. I initially read because, like me, you were fighting an ED, but I think we are both moving firmly into a recovery place where that takes up less of our identity, and that's fabulous. I will continue to read along as you discover who this Brie person really is! :)

Justine Taylor said...

I read your blog because you are honest & hilarious. I read your blog because it makes me feel connected & less lonely.
I can't quite connect with my friends the way I used to, since having a baby. (Except with one friend who recently had a baby) And I have a hard time making Mommy friends in my neighborhood, because all the single Moms stick together, & I'm still with my daughter's father.

Keely said...

I know this post is soooooo old. But I took a very long blogging break and am perusing and trying to catch up on everyone's lives. I read your blog because I like to hear about your day, your thoughts, and because I love you. :) Plus you have a good sense of humor and always make me laugh. (I will always remember that one post with flakey skin from a sunburn and the flake could get caught in a handlebar mustache or be on a crime scene...remember?) That was one of the first posts I read and made me laugh so hard I printed it off for my sister to read. :)